Plasma science and technology for electrification of our industries.
Research topics:
Green Chemistry & Plasma Catalysis
Plasmas, both thermal and non-thermal, offer huge potential in green energy applications from gas conversion to material synthesis. Within this, the field of plasma catalysis is emerging as focus of research with the aim of controlling the reactant conversions, energy efficiency and product selectivities.
Plasma Liquids
Interfacing plasmas with liquids provides unique chemistries and functions in the liquids. Applications are emerging in diverse sectors includig agriculture, medical and manufacturing. Tailoring the gas allows control over the ket chemical species formed in the target liquid.
Plasma medicine and biomedical devices is a area of R&D which utilise the reactive aNd functional properties of plasma to induce target effects in tissue or medical devides.
Plasma Thrusters
Plasma thrusters are propulsion engines designed for electric propulsion of objects such as satalites and deep-space probes.
Plasma is finding increased application in the remediation sectors of air, water and waste. Non-thermal plasma are particulary useful for recalcitrant pollutants such as PFAS, antibiotics and endocrine disruptors.
Agriculture & Food
Plasma agriculture uses he reactive properties of plasma for a range of effects such as seed treatment for enhanced germination, artifical nitrogen fixation, crop and food preservation.
Lightning and climate science
Electric discharge that mimics lightning strikes in nature can be utilised as an experimental platform to rapidly generate radicals, study reaction networks and atmospheric chemistry of the modern Earth to develop climate mitigation strategies. Our plasma electrochemical setup is also useful for exploring how energetic particles (e.g., from lightning or radiolysis) could have contributed to chemical synthesis and the origin of life on the early Earth, and the formation of bio-relevant molecules on other planets.